Thursday, August 21, 2008

Welcome, Power Rangers Morpher

Hey everyone.

Welcome to the grand opening of Power Ranger Auctions. The basis of this site is..well, for Ranger fans to buy various Ranger items. Sure, you could search ebay yourself but why do that when I've already searched for you. You'll see over on the right hand menu the main site navigation which at this point only has two categories, but it will grow as I get more of the site set up. Also as stated above, I'll be putting up reviews of different items from either my own collection ( which I might add, isn't huge) or from others.

As my first review, I'd like to take a look at one of my favorite Ranger toy. First a little back story, when I was in about gr. 2 I first heard about Power Rangers. I had no clue who or what they were and as me and my school friends were playing ( they dubbed me the blue ranger, as no one really liked him) I decided I would check these "Power Rangers" out. As I got more exposed to this phenomenon, certain items that the Rangers carried really caught my attention. The main thing being their "Morphers" which they would raise to the sky and call out their dinosaur. The original Power is one of the most sought after Power Ranger toys, and can cost a pretty penny especially in its original "Blade Blaster and Morpher" set. I have been lucky enough in the last year to collect two of these awesome toys, one of them being in the "Blade Blaster and Morpher" set. On ebay, these toys can be hard to obtain unless your willing to go that extra dollar amount just to get it, but lots of times you can find BIN (buy it now) ones.

So on to the actual Morpher. I don't know why many Ranger fans and myself have such a facination with it, but it is one cool toy.


Along with the Power Morpher you got the five Dino Coins, one for each Ranger. As you can see my Triceratops coin isn't as shiny as the rest, but thats only cause I repainted it so don't worry it is authentic.



You can see that each coin isn't solid and is hollowed out in the back so that it fits over the speaker in the middle of the Morpher, as you can see here


So obviously from that last picture, the Morpher opens and closes by way of the red button on the right side of the toy. Also as this button is pressed and held, the Morpher makes sounds and lights up.


This toy is probably my favorite of any Power Ranger toy, ever!. I'm sure lots of Ranger fans would also agree that its the best of all the Morphers from the various seasons of Power Rangers. So you want to buy one? well I wont be selling any of mine but you can visit this link, as this one ends in a few days.

Power Morpher and Blade Blaster set

Well that about does it for the first review. So please check out the rest of the site and have fun.
